2022 Safety Protocols at First Tee – Roanoke Valley

First Tee – Roanoke Valley is pleased that 2021 in-person programming will continue at Scott Robertson Memorial Junior Golf Academy.  Programs are available for kids ages 5-18 and focus on personal growth and building character through the game of golf.  Registration is now open.

First Tee – Roanoke Valley will continue to follow all recommended guidelines from the CDC, state and local officials and will implement additional policies and procedures to responsibly protect all participants, parents, volunteers, and staff.  A document outlining all our updated guidelines for programming are below.  WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND ALL PARENTS READ THIS DOCUMENT.

The health and safety of First Tee – Roanoke Valley’s participants, parents, staff and volunteers is always our top priority.

First Tee – Roanoke Valley’s guidelines aligns with CDC and Virginia state guidelines.

For more information about First Tee – Roanoke Valley please call 540.563.1TEE (1833).

First Tee – Roanoke Valley Guidelines

Social Distancing

Per CDC guidelines, First Tee – Roanoke Valley requires all parents, coaches, volunteers, staff and participants to practice social distancing of at least 3-6 feet when possible.

Social distancing should always be practiced during First Tee programming.

Masks/Face Coverings

First Tee – Roanoke Valley requires the use of a protective mask or face covering while indoors.  The building is CLOSED to participants and parents unless there is an emergency.

We ask that that all participants have a mask with them while on property in case they need to go indoors.

Hand Sanitizing and Washing

First Tee – Roanoke Valley requires all participants, coaches, volunteers, and staff to sanitize and/or wash their hands upon arrival and prior to departure from class.

Hand sanitizing and outdoor hand washing stations are available.


First Tee – Roanoke Valley requires all employees, volunteers, parents/guardians of participants and volunteers to complete and sign Assumption of Risk and Waiver of Liability Relating to Coronavirus/COVID-19 waiver.  A Covid-19 waiver has been incorporated into the registration portal.

Screening of First Tee Participants, Staff & Volunteers:

First Tee – Roanoke Valley requires all participant’s parents/caretakers, coaches, volunteers, and staff to perform a daily symptoms assessment before coming to our facility.

Per the CDC, symptoms include cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pains, headaches, sore throat, and new loss of taste or smell.

If any individual has had contact with someone confirmed or probable to have COVID-19, he/she must complete quarantine procedures as recommended by our local health department prior to returning to First Tee programming.

Golf Clubs & Equipment:

First Tee – Roanoke Valley requires participants to bring their own golf clubs and equipment.

If you do not have your own golf clubs or equipment, First Tee – Roanoke Valley will provide clubs and equipment for you to use during the season.

Participant Drop Off/Check-In & Pick Up/Checkout:

First Tee – Roanoke Valley strongly suggests parents adhere to a school style drop-off and pick up.

Please screen participants for symptoms BEFORE coming to First Tee facility.

Please wait at the car until the coach/volunteer is ready to receive the participant.

Parent Observation:

Parents are welcome to observe classes from a designated parent areas.

Food & Beverage

Participants must bring their own filled water bottles or bottles of water.

No sharing with other participants.

Inclement Weather

In case of inclement weather, the covered tee line and classroom will be used for shelter.  Proper social distancing and mask guidelines outlined above will be followed.

Make Up Classes

Due to limited class size and high interest, it is very unlikely First Tee – Roanoke Valley will be able to provide make- up classes.

Confirmed Cases

Anyone who shows symptoms while at First Tee – Roanoke Valley will be isolated immediately and instructed to seek medical care.

Per the CDC, symptoms include cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pains, headaches, sore throat, and new loss of taste or smell.

First Tee – Roanoke Valley will inform all impacted parents, participants, staff, coaches, and volunteers should a participant or staff member test positive for COVID-19 or show symptoms of COVID-19.

If your participant or anyone in immediate contact of the participants begins to show symptoms, please contact the First Tee – Roanoke Valley office immediately.

Classes may have to be cancelled if a participant develops symptoms after being on-site.

First Tee – Roanoke Valley Contacts

Office 540.563.1TEE (1833)

Jennifer Blackwood, Executive Director [email protected]

Bill Rader, PGA     [email protected]