Parent-Child Tournament Sponsorship Name of Company, Individual or Trust(Required) (as you would like it to be displayed) Anonymous Email Address Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Company logo to be used in publications (if applicable)Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.Company website to link (if applicable) Sponsor Amount Raffle Item $100: Player Sponsor $250: Par Sponsor $500: Birdie Sponsor $1,000: Eagle Sponsor $2,000: Cart Sponsor $5,000: Favor Sponsor $10,000: Ace Sponsor Custom Sponsor Custom Amount Total Would you like to pay online or by mailing in a check? Online Mail Please make checks payable to "First Tee - Roanoke Valley" and mail to: 3707 Densmore Road, NW Roanoke, VA 24017 Secure Payment Method Thank you for sponsoring our Parent-Child Tournament!Captcha