Any gift can be made in honor or memory of special loved ones!
1. Make an outright gift of cash or appreciated securities. Gifts can be directed to support annual operating expenses, provide scholarships for deserving students, support capital projects, or to The First Tee endowment. The advantages to you include: your gift is 100% tax deductible for income tax purposes, and you can save on capital gains tax if the asset is appreciated. Click here to donate online OR click here for instructions on how to donate appreciated securities/stock.
Please note that all donations are now being given under the name “Junior Golf Foundation of Virginia.” In western Virginia, organizations dedicated to introducing golf and related life lessons to children that deserve your support. The beneficiary organizations of the Junior Golf Foundation of Virginia share a commitment to junior golf. All have been successfully operating for years and have relied on the generous financial support of the business and golf community in the Roanoke Valley. The goal of the Foundation is to consolidate the fundraising activities and achieve economies in fundraising costs and to avoid multiple asks of donors.
2. Donate your “good as new” equipment. Call 563.1833 to arrange a time to drop off at our facility. Click here for our Inkind Donation Form
3. Leave a legacy By naming First Tee – Roanoke Valley among the beneficiaries of your:
* Will
* Retirement Account
* Life Insurance Policy
* Trust
You will ensure that this wonderful place will stand forever as the perfect setting for providing quality instruction in a welcoming environment that encourages participants to achieve their potential.

Why support First Tee – Roanoke Valley?
Support a caring, supervised, and safe environment for Roanoke Valley youth to spend free time
Encouraging Academic Success
Emphasizing Physical Exercise
Why does First Tee need an Endowment?
First Tee – Roanoke Valley places a special emphasis on providing quality instruction to those kids who otherwise may not have an opportunity to experience the game of golf. Every participant who receives free or reduced lunch at public school is eligible for a scholarship. Our First Tee program benefits participants by offering a caring, supervised, and safe environment to spend free time, emphases physical exercise, and encourages academic success.
A gift to First Tee – Roanoke Valley’s endowment will keep alive the goal of putting a golf club in the hand of every youngster in the Valley – and providing our youth with the classroom and green grass learning opportunities for them to acquired common values and skills required for golf and full-filling life.
“By building character, we lay the foundation that young people need to meet the many challenges throughout life”
-Joe Louis Barrow Jr., retired executive director of First Tee
Ways to contribute to First Tee – Roanoke Valley’s Endowment:
- Name First Tee – Roanoke Valley as a beneficiary of your will.
- Name First Tee – Roanoke Valley as a beneficiary of your retirement plan.
- Name First Tee – Roanoke Valley as a beneficiary of your life insurance
- Establish a Charitable Remainder Trust.
- Establish a Charitable Lead Trust.